Under Professor Krishnan Sivasubramanian's and Rijul Saini's leadership as the Deputy Leader, the team competed fourth among the 108 participating countries with over 609 students.
Mumbai- A team of six high school students from India made history with their enthralling performance since India's debut at the prestigious International Mathematics Olympiad in 1989. Rushil Mathur, Ananda Bhaduri, Adhitya Mangudy, Venkata Ganesg and Kanav Talwar each got a gold medal. Arjun Gupta won the silver medal, while Siddharth Choppara received an honourable mention. The team scored 167 points, just one mark behind South Korea, which came in third. This achievement marks the country's best performance in the Olympiad, surpassing its 7th rank in 2001 and 1998.
PM Modi congratulated the 2024 team on their remarkable achievement via a post on X, recognising the team as an inspiration to many other young individuals. The team is scheduled to return to India and will be facilitated at HBCSE on Tuesday. The International Mathematics Olympiad is a World Championship mathematics competition for high school students held yearly in various countries since 1959. This year, the competition occurred in Bath United Kingdon from July 11th to 22nd. The USA secured the first rank, followed by China and South Korea in second and third places, respectively.
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